Immovable Finances Expanding Development

" ATP Accounting - Partnering for Effective Capital Raising"

Risk issues when raising capital funds

Lack of transparency and accuracy in financial reporting
  • Errors in recording and accounting for income and expenses can lead to inaccurate financial information, causing misunderstandings for investors.

  • Inadvertently or intentionally concealing important financial information can make investors doubt the honesty and financial health of the business.

Weak financial accounting management system
  • Lack of robust internal control processes and procedures to ensure accuracy and security of financial data.

  • Insufficiently skilled financial accounting personnel lead to ineffective financial management and the risk of tax law violations.

Poor cash flow control and inefficient use of capital 
  • Spending on unnecessary items, leading to low capital utilization efficiency.

  • Ineffective cash flow management results in operational capital shortages and the potential risk of bankruptcy.

Investment Capital Raising Support Solutions

Strategic Financial Accounting Advisory Aligned with Investment Needs
  • Outsourced management services allow businesses to benefit from the knowledge and experience of experts, thereby enhancing operational efficiency.

  • Effective financial accounting strategy consulting helps businesses increase their valuation and easily connect with suitable investors.

80% of American businesses use outsourced Financial Accounting Management services to enhance their effectiveness in obtaining loans and raising investment capital.

Providing transparent and accurate financial reports
  • Outsourced management service providers typically possess expertise and extensive experience handling accounting records, ensuring legal compliance, and optimizing costs.

  • Accurate financial accounting reports expedite the audit and valuation, facilitating more effective investor engagement.

Operational cost savings
  • Labor cost savings: no need to pay management staff salaries, bonuses, and benefits.

  • Infrastructure cost savings: no need to invest in facilities and equipment for personnel.

  • Process optimization: Outsourced management services often have efficient management processes, helping businesses save on operational costs.

Outsourced Management Services

ATP Accounting, a member of WTP Group, provides professional outsourced management solutions "from strategy to execution" to support businesses in achieving breakthrough and efficient growth. The companies within the WTP Group's business support ecosystem include:

Outsourced Strategic Consulting Services

Outsourced Marketing - Sales Consulting and Implementation Services

Outsourced Financial Accounting Consulting and Implementation Services

Outsourced Human Resources Management Consulting and Implementation Services

Outsourced Digital Transformation Consulting and Deployment Services

Capital Raising and Investment Consulting Services

Team of experts with many years of experience

A team of well-trained experts with extensive knowledge of accounting, tax, finance, and capital-raising processes, ensuring the delivery of professional and efficient services.

Efficient operational organization

Delivering professional outsourced financial and accounting management services from strategy to execution, enhancing management effectiveness and investor confidence

Growing together

Not only as a financial and accounting management partner, but WTP Group's business support ecosystem is also ready to become a strategic shareholder and connect with potential investors.

Our different values

Flexible and optimized

Acting as an experienced and highly specialized advisor and partner, we understand the need for fundraising and offer flexible services at reasonable costs to deliver high efficiency.

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Register to get information

  • ATP Accounting Services Company Limited

  • Tax code: 0315786884

  • 75 Road No. 39, Van Phuc City, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc City , Ho Chi Minh City
