Immovable Finances Expanding Development

" ATP Accounting - Partnering for Breakthrough Business Growth"

Risk Issues with Rapid Growth

Lack of strategic planning consultants

Failing to align financial and accounting strategy with business strategy from the beginning leads to several issues:

  • Inability to foresee and prepare for potential financial risks.

  • Difficulties in attracting investment capital and securing loans.

Lack of capable personnel to organize and operate

Poor organization of the financial accounting system is the starting point for business chaos and failure because:

  • Lack of accurate and timely financial reports.

  • Potential tax violations lead to fines and, in severe cases, criminal prosecution.

  • Lack of transparency makes it difficult to access capital.

Lack of capital and strategic partners for collaboration

During rapid growth, businesses frequently face significant risk issues:

  • Lack of working capital to support the coziness of production, business, and investment needs.

  • Insufficient cash flow and capital management capabilities lead to the risk of bankruptcy.

  • Lack of support from investors.

"Leadership Empowerment" Solution

Focus on Core Competencies
  • Using outsourced management services helps businesses save time and resources on administrative and operational tasks, including Marketing-Sales, Accounting and Tax, Human Resources Management, and Legal Management.

  • This allows leadership to focus on more strategic business development issues.

78% U.S. businesses leverage outsourced management to "Leadership Empowerment" and drive breakthrough growth

Improving Operational Efficiency
  • Outsourced management service providers typically have high levels of expertise, utilize advanced technology, and apply effective management methods.

  • Using outsourced management services allows businesses to benefit from the knowledge and experience of experts, thereby enhancing operational efficiency.

Operational Cost Savings
  • Labor cost savings: no need to pay salaries, bonuses, and benefits for management staff.

  • Infrastructure cost savings: no need to invest in facilities and equipment for personnel.

  • Process optimization: Outsourced management services typically have efficient management processes, helping businesses save on operational costs.

Outsourced Management Services

ATP Accounting, a member of WTP Group, provides professional outsourced management solutions "from strategy to execution" to support businesses in achieving breakthrough and efficient growth. The companies within the WTP Group's business support ecosystem include:

Outsourced Strategic Consulting Services

Outsourced Marketing - Sales Consulting and Implementation Services

Outsourced Financial Accounting Consulting and Implementation Services

Outsourced Human Resources Management Consulting and Implementation Services

Outsourced Digital Transformation Consulting and Deployment Services

Capital Raising and Investment Consulting Services

Modern management mindset

Providing modern management solutions that "unlock leadership potential," allowing the Board of Directors to focus on their business mission.

Efficient operational organization

Providing professional outsourced financial and accounting management services from strategy to execution enhances competitive advantage.

Growing together

Not only serving as a financial and accounting partner, but the business support ecosystem of WTP Group also addresses sales, marketing, human resources, and capital mobilization challenges.

Our different values

Compliance and cost optimization

Acting as an experienced, highly qualified consultant, assisting in compliance with legal regulations, and leveraging policies to optimize costs.

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Register to get information

  • ATP Accounting Services Company Limited

  • Tax code: 0315786884

  • 75 Road No. 39, Van Phuc City, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc City , Ho Chi Minh City
