5 sai lầm phổ biến trong quản lý tài chính và cách khắc phục
Là "trái tim" của mọi hoạt động, quản lý tài chính đóng vai trò then chốt cho sự ổn định và phát triển bền vững của doanh nghiệp, đặc biệt là với các doanh nghiệp nhỏ.
2/28/20243 min read

1. Uncontrolled Growth
Experimenting with business strategies to find a profitable model is crucial for small businesses, as growth is a primary goal. However, uncontrolled growth can easily lead to financial losses, especially for businesses with limited budgets and management capacity.
Example: A lightbulb retailer decides to invest in Facebook advertising. In the first two months, profits double. Encouraged, they triple their ad budget for the next month, expecting rapid growth. However, the results are disappointing. Advertising costs skyrocket, sales fall short of expectations, and profits are wiped out.
Attempting rapid growth without a clear plan and risk assessment can lead to uncontrolled risks. This can not only reduce profits but also impact investment capital, especially when stable growth hasn't been established. Therefore, small businesses should have a clear and appropriate strategy to control their financial situation before experimenting with any business model.
2. Overemphasis on New Customer Acquisition
Small businesses need plans to acquire new customers. However, it's uncertain whether these new customers will be profitable, and acquisition costs are often high. Overspending on new customer acquisition can lead to significant financial risks. Instead, businesses should mitigate risks by diversifying their financial resources across different strategies.
Long-term value is crucial for sustainable growth. Besides new customer acquisition, businesses should allocate resources to nurturing loyal customers and internal customer bases. These can be the most valuable customer segments with the lowest acquisition costs.
3. Inaccurate Profit Calculation
Profit is the goal of any sales strategy, and it's vital for small businesses. Some small businesses, lacking sales experience, make mistakes in profit calculation. They assume that the markup on sales is their entire profit, forgetting various expenses like transaction fees, shipping, storage, packaging, and personnel costs.
Businesses should estimate and control these expenses to determine stable pricing and achieve adequate profit for financial restructuring. This is essential for small businesses to maintain sustainable growth and secure funding for expansion.
4. Uncontrolled Late Payments
Payments take time, and small businesses should manage this carefully. Late payments can harm operations, especially with limited budgets.
Even small delays or outstanding debts can hinder businesses. Besides operational difficulties, late payments can prevent businesses from paying suppliers or lenders, damaging trust. Not all suppliers and partners are willing to wait, potentially refusing future cooperation.The best approach is to have contingency funds for such situations. Additionally, having a plan to address and resolve payment issues within a specific timeframe ensures smooth operations. This benefits small businesses by mitigating operational risks.
5. Improper Tax Management
Taxes are a mandatory obligation for businesses, and timely payment is crucial. Missing tax deadlines can lead to financial penalties.
Businesses need to estimate their future tax liabilities to prepare and adjust accordingly. Tax rates can vary depending on Ministry of Finance policies and regulations issued each year or period.
Furthermore, businesses should anticipate and prepare for sudden financial changes. For example, if the tax rate increases from 13% to 13.5% and then to 15% within a short period, businesses must quickly adapt and adjust their pricing and business strategies.
As small businesses are still developing their processes, there can be shortcomings, especially in financial management. They need solid knowledge to avoid mistakes and unnecessary losses. Effective financial management helps businesses stabilize in the market and achieve sustainable growth.
As the workflows of small businesses are still being perfected, there are many shortcomings, especially in financial management. Small businesses need to have a solid knowledge base to minimize mistakes and avoid unnecessary losses. Additionally, effective financial management will help businesses gradually stabilize in the market and develop sustainably in the future.
Here is all the information about the common issues in financial planning that ATP wants to share with businesses. We hope the information in this article will help CFOs create an effective financial plan. If you need comprehensive financial management consulting, please contact us at:
Hotline: 094 291 9009
Email: info@atpaccounting.com.vn